
Monday, 26 November 2018

 Pumpkin Patch Equations

Today in our class we did algebra worksheets.
We needed to answer the questions and colour a pumpkin depending on what our answers were for a particular question.

This is my Pumpkin right here, plus all the working out and guides.

Guides on what colours or shapes with needed to draw.

My working out. 

Thursday, 15 November 2018


By Andrew

Candles are common symbols throughout the Catholic Church.

But what are the candles for? Decoration?
The candle in our church has many meanings depending on the situation.

Candles could teach us lessons in different meanings.
In Matthew 5: 14, Jesus says “You are the light of the world.”
The candle sends a message that we need to be the light and lead other through the darkness.
In John 3:30, John the Baptist says “He must increase, I must decrease”
Just like how the candle melts itself in order to shine it’s light.

But do all Religions use the candle?
Many religions use the candle. Christianity, Judaism and many more.
Dharmic Religions are Indian religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism.
They don’t use candles and instead lamps.

Different candles can be used for different celebrations.

In the Catholic church, we use an advent wreath to countdown to Jesus’ Birthday.
We use the Paschal candle at the Easter Vigil to represent the light of Christ coming to our world. The light represents the risen Christ, as a symbol of light (life) dispelling darkness (death).

Even the amount of candles lit represents a meaning.
The number of candles lit on the altar depends which Mass is being celebrated (a Low Mass or a High Mass, eg) Or even who is celebrating it. (Priest, Bishop, Archbishop eg.)
For a low mass, there are supposed be only 2 candles lit on the altar.
For a high mass, there should be 6 candles burning in the Church.
For all Masses, there needs to be at least 2 candles lit.
However, there can be some added solemnity when using more than two. On Sundays and Holy Days of obligation, there can be four or even six candles lit.
Whenever the bishop offers Mass, the use of seven candles is invited.

We all thought that candles just represented the Light of Christ, but a bunch of different meanings and background revolve around the candle.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Thursday, 1 November 2018

What are Wisdom teeth?

What are wisdom teeth?
By: Andrew

Civilizations in the ancient times had very differing diets than us. Instead of going to the grocery store, early human beings hunted and found and harvested any food they found out in the wild.

Feeding off food we wouldn’t imagine eating today such as leaves, roots, nuts. The food they ate was not so good on their teeth! In those days, dental hygiene was poor, and losing a tooth or two was common.

By the time a human had reached his/her 20s, it was not unexpected to have lost a tooth or two to decay. Without enough teeth, people would not have been able to chew the foods they found and starved.

Anthropologists believe early humans evolved in to developing wisdom teeth to survive and to make chewing easier, even if they were missing some teeth.